During its fourth public hearing on the district formation process, the San Bruno City Council identified a focus map for new district lines. The City is now seeking community input on the focus map prior to the next public hearing on March 8, 2022.
The City Council identified Map 104 as its focus map. At the March 8 public hearing, City Council will have the opportunity to consider election sequencing for Map 104, and to introduce and conduct a first reading of an ordinance to adopt Map 104 as the City’s final district map.
Map 104 along with all the draft maps are available for review on DistrictingSanBruno.org/Draft-Maps
The City invites community members to share their thoughts on the focus map by:
- Emailing districting@sanbruno.ca.gov
- Submitting a form through DistrictingSanBruno.org/Contact
- Calling (650) 616-7058
- Participating in the fifth public hearing
The fifth public hearing will be held virtually via Zoom on March 8, 2022, at 7:10 p.m. For participation information and additional event details, please visit DistrictingSanBruno.org/Schedule
During the fourth public hearing, the City Council also considered options to (1) adopt a four-district map or (2) to adopt a four district map and a five-district map for future use in the event voters repeal the directly elected Mayor in November 2022. The Council selected option one, to adopt a four-district map.
Currently, San Bruno voters elect all four Council Members and a Mayor at-large. Beginning in November 2022 each San Bruno voter will vote for one Council Member to represent their specific district and a Mayor to represent the City as a whole.
The California Voting Rights Act of 2021 (CVRA) encourages cities that hold at-large elections to move to by-district elections and has made it easier to bring lawsuits against cities with at-large elections. In response to the CVRA, the San Bruno City Council adopted a resolution on March 10, 2020, to proactively transition to by-district elections thereby decreasing legal risks associated with this issue. Following the CVRA, San Bruno must ensure districts do not dilute the representation of protected classes or communities of interest and are population-balanced and contiguous in adopting a district map.
The City has focused on encouraging community participation during the process. Residents have attended workshops and hearings, drawn maps, and submitted feedback on their communities of interest. Over the draft maps submission period, the City received more than 30 district maps and communities of interest forms.
Residents can find additional information, including recordings of all past hearings and workshops, draft maps, and opportunities to provide feedback at DistrictingSanBruno.org.